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1. Gamito, P., Oliveira, J., Lopes, P., Brito, R., Morais, D., Silva, D., Silva, A., Rebelo, S., Bastos, A. & Deus, A. (2014). Executive Functioning in Alcoholics Following a Mobile Health Cognitive Stimulation Approach: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 16(4):e102 [IF = 4.7]; doi:10.2196/jmir.2923

2. Gamito, P., Oliveira, J., Baptista, A. Morais, D., Lopes, P., Rosa, P., Santos, N. (2014). Elicit nicotine craving with virtual smoking cues. CyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking. Vol. 17, No. 8,: 556-561 [IF = 2.4];

3. Nunes, M., Oliveira, J., Brito, R. (2014). Reduction of pain and depression in occlusal splint-based treatment for TMD is accompanied with increase in urinary serotonin. Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 10: 183-188. [IF = 1,2];

4. Oliveira, J., & Brito, R. (2014). Insights into the neural mechanisms underlying hand praxis: implications for the neurocognitive rehabilitation of apraxia. Frontiers in Psychology 5: 1380. [IF 2.8] doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01.01380 (http://journal.frontiersin.org/Journal/10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01380/full)

5. Lopes, P., Prieto, G. & Delgado, A. (2014). A Rasch Analysis of the Harm Reduction Self-Efficacy Questionnaire in Portugal. Addictive Behaviors, 39 (10), 1500-1503. [IF 2,6] doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2014.05.014

6. Nabuco, M.E., Aguiar, M.S. Costa, C., And Morais, D. (2014). Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of The Implementation Of The A Par Parental Intervention Programme In Portugal.Child Development And Parenting Support. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 22(4), [IF 0,2] doi:10.1080/1350293X.2014.947836;

7. Da Graça Pereira, G., Fragoso, S., Morais, D., de Brito, M. T. V. and de Sousa, L. (2014). Comparison of interpretation of cat’s behavioral needs between veterinarians, veterinary nurses, and cat owners. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 9(6), pp. 324–328 [IF = 1.2] doi:10.1016/j.jveb.2014.08.006;


8. Gamito, P., Oliveira, J., Lopes, P., Brito, R., Morais, D., Silva, D., Silva, A., Rebelo, S., Bastos, A. & Deus, A (in press) Cognitive stimulation through mHealth-based program for patients with Alcohol Dependence Syndrome. A randomized controlled study. International Journal on Disability and Human Development. DeGruyter. [IF = 0.2];

9. Gamito, P., Oliveira, J., Caires, C., Morais, D., Lopes ,P., Saraiva, T., Soares, F., Sottomayor, C., Barata, A., Picareli, F. (ahead of print) Virtual Kitchen Test: Assessing Frontal Lobe Functions in Patients with Alcohol Dependence Syndrome. Methods of Information in Medicine [IF = 1.6];

10. Gamito P., Oliveira J., Coelho C., Morais D., Lopes P., Pacheco J., Brito R., Soares F., Santos N., Barata F. (in press) Cognitive training on stroke patients via virtual reality-based serious games. Disabilities and Rehabilitation [IF = 1.5];

11. Gamito P., Oliveira J., Pinto L., Rodelo, L., Morais D., Lopes P., Brito R. (in press). Normative data for a cognitive VR rehab serious games-based approach. Methods of Information in Medicine [IF = 1.6].

12. Rosa, P.J., Esteves, F. & Arriaga (accepted). Beyond traditional clinical measurements for screening fears and phobias. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 0, 0 -0, [IF=1,78]

13. Schubert, T., Waldzus, S., Seibt, B, & Brito, R. (in press). Conservatism is not the missing viewpoint for true diversity. Commentary on Duarte et al. („Political Diversity will improve Psychological Science“). Behavioral and Brain Sciences [IF = 18.51]

14. Sargento P., Perea MV., Ladera V., Lopes P., Oliveira J. (in press). The Epworth Sleepiness Scale in Portuguese adults: from classical measurement theory to Rasch model analysis. Sleep and Breathing. [IF = 2.86] DOI: 10.1007/s11325-014-1078-6

15. Sargento P., Perea MV., Ladera V., Lopes P., Oliveira J. (in press). Measurement properties of a screening questionnaire of obstructive sleep apnea risk: Little information, great prediction? Sleep Science. doi:10.1016/j.slsci.2014.09.008



16. Rosa, P.J., Esteves, F. & Arriaga (2014). Effects of fear-relevant stimuli on attention: integrating gaze data with subliminal exposure. Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, 1,1-6. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6860021&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D6860021

17. Morais D, Rosa P, Brito R, Barata F, Oliveira J, Gamito P. (2014). Appearance-based trait inferences in a political candidate evaluation: Can the eye-tracking tell the tale? Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology

(Rome, Italy)

Book chapter


18. Gamito, P., Oliveira, J., Brito, R., Santos, N., Pacheco, J., Morais, D., Saraiva. T., Soares, F., SottoMayor, C., & Barata, A. (2014). Virtual exercises to promote cognitive recovery in stroke patients. In Sharkey PM & Merrick J, eds. Virtual reality: Rehabilitation in motor, cognitive and sensorial disorders- New York: Nova Science, 57-68. ISBN: 978-63321-77-7

19. Morais D, Rosa P, Brito R, Martins I, Barata F, Oliveira J, Gamito P, Soares F, & Sotto Mayor C (2014). Voting on a Face: The importance of Appearance-Based Trait Inferences in a Political Candidate Evaluation: An Eye Tracking Approach. In P. Gamito, & P. Rosa (Eds.). I see you, you see me: Inferring cognitive and emotional processes from gazing behaviour. 1-20. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-5460-3

20. Banović M, Rosa P, & Gamito P (2014). Eye of the Beholder: Visual Search, Attention and Product Choice. In P. Gamito, & P. Rosa (Eds.). I see you, you see me: Inferring cognitive and emotional processes from gazing behaviour. 40-60. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-5460-3.

21. Oliveira J, Brito R, Morais D, Lourenço R, Barata F, & Gamito P (2014). A pupillometric approach to the study of the strength of memory signal following intra- and interhemispheric word recognition. In P. Gamito, & P. Rosa (Eds.). I see you, you see me: Inferring cognitive and emotional processes from gazing behaviour. 191-202 Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-5460-3

22. Rosa, P.,J., Caires, C., Costa, L. , Rodelo, L., & Pinto, L. (2014) . Affective and Psychophysiological Responses To Erotic Stimuli: Does Color Matter? In P. Gamito and P.J. Rosa, I see me, you see me: inferring cognitive and emotional processes from gazing behavior (pp. 171-190). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

23. Lopes, P., Trigo, H., Coutinho, R., Leitão, E., Miguel, N., & Oliveira, J. (in press 2014). Low Threshold Methadone Program – 13 Years of Experience in Portugal. In B.K. Wiederhold and G. Riva (Eds.), Harm Reduction: Principles, Perceptions and Programs. EUA: Nova Publishers.


24. Gamito, P., Oliveira, J., Brito, R. & Morais, D. (2014). Active Confluence. In Gaggioli et al. (eds). Human Computer Confluence: Advancing our Understanding of the Emerging Symbiotic Relation between Humans and Computing Devices.

25. Bouchard, S., Laforest, M., Gamito, P. & Cardenas-Lopez, G. (in press). Using VR for Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders. Technologies for Health and Clinical Applications, edited by P. Sharkey. Springer

26. Oliveira J., Gamito P., Morais D., Brito R., Lopes P, Norberto, L. (2014). Cognitive assessment of stroke patients with mobile apps: a controlled study. In B. Wiederhold & G. Riva (eds). Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 199, 103-107. ISBN 978-1-61499-400-8

27. Rosa, P. J. (in press). Gaze tracking in marketing research: bridging eye movements to consumer behavior In Ragusa A. (ed.) Business in Europe: Trends and Perspectives (pp 0 – 0). Frederiksberg: Ventus Publishing ApS



28. P. Gamito, & P. Rosa (Eds.). (2014). I see you, you see me: Inferring cognitive and emotional processes from gazing behaviour. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-5460-3.

29. Rosa, P.J. (accepted, in revision). Introdução à Estatística em Psicologia: da teoria à prática com o IBM-SPSS., Portimão: Edições ISMAT.




30. Lopes, P., Oliveira, J., Gamito, P., Trigo, H., Sargento, P. & Silva, A.P. (2013). Frontal lobe dysfunction in heroin addicts: Evidence from an emotional Stroop colour-naming task. Iberian Journal of Clinical and Forensic Neuroscience. 1 (2), 137-148.

31. Gamito, P., Oliveira, J., Santos, N., Pacheco, J., Morais, D., Saraiva. T., Soares, F., SottoMayor, C., & Barata, A. (2013). Virtual exercises to promote cognitive recovery in stroke patients: The comparison between HMD vs. screen exposure methods. International Journal on Disability and Human Development. DeGruyter. 10 (2), 309-312. [IF = 0.3]

32. Oliveira, J., Perea, M.V., Ladera, V., Gamito, P. (2013). The roles of word concreteness and cognitive load on interhemispheric processes of recognition, Laterality: Asymmetries of Body. Brain and Cognition. 18(2), 203-215. [IF = 1.2]



33. Gamito, P.; Oliveira, J.; Lopes, P.; Brito, R.; Morais, D.; Cristovao, S.; Cacoete, C.; Henriques, C.; Silva, D.; Silva, A.; Rebelo, S.; Bastos, M.; Deus, A. (2013). Executive functioning in addicts following health mobile cognitive stimulation. Evidence from alcohol and heroin patients. IEEE 7th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth). pp.385,388, 5-8 May, Venice, Italy.

34. Esteves, F, Rosa, P.J., & Arriaga , P. (2013). Looking for the Snake That Was There: an Eye-tracking Study with Subliminally Presented Stimuli. Conference Proceedings of ESCAN 2013,1.

35. Silva, A.S., Ferreira, M., Morais, D. and Da Graça Pereira, G. (2013). Losing Snoopy: Grieving processes after the loss of a pet In Daniel S Mills, Goncalo Da Graca Pereira and Diana M Jacinto. Proceedings of 9th International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting (lisbon, Portugal);

Book chapter


36. Gamito P, Oliveira J, Lopes P, Morais D, Brito R, Saraiva T, Bastos M, Cristóvão S, Caçôete C, & Picareli F., A. (2013). Assessment of frontal brain functions in alcoholics following a health mobile cognitive stimulation approach. In B. Wiederhold & G. Riva (eds). Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 191, 110-115.

37. Gamito, P. And Morais, D. (2013). Do ábaco aos átomos. In Matos, M.G., & Ferreira, M. (eds). Nascidos Digitais: Novas Linguagens, Lazer e Dependências. Lisboa: Coisas de Ler;

38. Oliveira, J. And Gamito, P. (2013). Realidade Virtual: outras realidades. In Matos, M.G., & Ferreira, M. (eds). Nascidos Digitais: Novas Linguagens, Lazer e Dependências. Lisboa: Coisas de Ler;

39. Gamito, P., Lopes, P., Ferreira, M. And Gaspar de Matos, M. (2013). Dependência aos 0 e aos 1. In Matos, M.G., & Ferreira, M. (eds). Nascidos Digitais: Novas Linguagens, Lazer e Dependências. Lisboa: Coisas de Ler;




40. Rosa, P.J., Esteves, F. & Arriaga, P. (2012). Ver ou não ver, eis a questão. A relação entre a emoção e a atenção visual selectiva. In-Mind 3(1-4), 9-18

Book chapter


41. Gamito P, Oliveira J, Baptista A, Lopes P, Morais D, Saraiva T, Rosa P, Santos N. & Soares F, SottoMayor, C., & Barata, A. (2012). Nicotine Craving: ERPs correlates after VR exposure to smoking cues. In B. Wiederhold & G. Riva (eds). Studies in Health, Technology and Informatics, 181, 78-82.




42. Gamito, P., Oliveira, J., Pacheco, J., Morais, D., Saraiva. T., Lacerda. R., Baptista, A., Santos, N., Soares, F., Gamito, L. Rosa, P. (2011). Traumatic Brain Injury memory training: a Virtual Reality online solution. International Journal on Disability and Human Development. DeGruyter, 10 (2), 309-315. [IF 0.2]

43. Oliveira J, Perea MV, Ladera V, Gamito P. (2011). Hemispheric asymmetry in recognition memory: Effects of retention level on the recognition of Portuguese words. International Journal of Psychology, 46(2), 119-126. [IF 1.1]



44. Rosa, P.J., Esteves, F. & Arriaga (2011). Subliminal exposure to biologically relevant stimuli: effects on attention and pupil dilation. Revista de neurologia (comunicaciones), 52 (5), 306-315. http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=4492330

Book chapter


45. Gamito, P., Oliveira, J., Morais, D., Rosa, P., Saraiva. T., (2011). NeuAR – a look into AR applications in the neurosciences area. In A. Nee & S. Ong (eds). Augmented Reality. INTECH. 131 – 154.

46. Gamito P, Oliveira J, Baptista A, Pereira E, Morais D, Saraiva T, Santos N. & Soares F. (2011). Virtual reality exposure on nicotine craving. In B. Wiederhold & G. Riva (eds) Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 167, 63-8.

47. Ferreira, P., Rita, P., Morais, D., Rosa, P., Oliveira, J., Gamito, P., Santos, N., Soares, F., Sottomayor, C. (2011). Grabbing attention while reading website pages: the influence of verbal emotional cues in advertising. Journal of Eye Tracking Visual Cognition and Emotion, 1, 64-68.

48. Oliveira, J., Gamito, P., Perea, MV, Ladera, V., Morais, D., Rosa, P., Saraiva, T. (2011). Hemispheric asymmetries in recognition memory for negative and neutral words. Journal of Eye Tracking Visual Cognition and Emotion, 1, 13-21.

49. Rosa, P., Gamito, G., Oliveira, J., Morais, D. Saraiva, T. (2011). Attentional orienting to biologically fear-relevant stimuli: data from eye tracking using the continual alternation flicker paradigm. Journal of Eye Tracking Visual Cognition and Emotion. 1, 22-29.

50. Gamito P., Oliveira J, Morais D., Rosa P, Saraiva T. (2011). Serious Games for Serious problems: from Ludicus to Therapeuticus. In Kim JJ. (Ed.) Virtual Reality. InTech, Publishing. 527-548

51. Rosa, P & Morais, D. (2011). O homo emocionalis e a tomada de decisão: a irracionalidade da escolha. In F. Rodrigues, A influência do Neuromarketing e a tomada decisão (pp. 77-95). Viseu: Psicosoma.

52. Afonso, R., Colaço, N, Sargento, P., & Rosa, P. (2011). Processo de Tomada de Decisão no Feminino: O ciclo menstrual como mediador. In F. Rodrigues, A influência do Neuromarketing e a tomada decisão (pp. 117-137). Viseu: Psicosoma.



53. Gamito P., Oliveira J, Morais D., Rosa P, Saraiva T. (2011). PSPT e Veteranos da Guerra do Ultramar: um Estudo Cliníco Controlado. In M. Carvalho. Estudos de Intervenção Psicológica em Situações de Emergência, Crise e Catástrofe. Portimão: ISMAT, 2011, p. 77-88.




54. Gamito, P. Oliveira, J., Morais, D., Rosa, P. (2010). PTSD Elderly War Veterans: A clinical Controlled Study. CyberPsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 13 (1), 43-48.

55. Gamito, P., Oliveira,, Morais, D., Saraiva. T., Baptista, A., Santos, N., Soares, F. Rosa, P. (2010). Training presence: the importance of virtual reality experience on the “sense of being there”. Stud Health Technol Inform. 154, 128-133.

56. Lopes P., Prieto G., Delgado, A., Gamito P. & Trigo, H. (2010). Rasch-Modeling the Portuguese SOCRATES in a clinical sample. Psychology of Addictive Behaviours. 24, (2), 355–359. [IF 2.3]

57. Rosa, Pedro J. & Morais, Diogo. (2010). “Agrido, logo existo: para além do carácter não-adaptativo da agressão.”, In-Mind Português 1(2-3), 39-56.

58. Cunha I, Oliveira J. (2010). Quality of life after surgery for temporal lobe epilepsy: A five-year follow-up. Epilepsy and Behavior, 17:506-510. [IF = 2.06].

59. Camilo, C., & Lima, M. L. (2010). No que se pensa quando se pensa em doenças?: estudo psicométrico dos riscos de saúde. Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública, 28, 140-154.



60. Rosa, P.J., Esteves, F. & Arriaga (2010). Attention and physiological responses to biologically relevant stimuli: An eye-tracking study using subliminal procedures.

Psychophysiology, 47:S99.